Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Alex's Head

I know what you are thinking, how the hell could Angela have let him do that? The answer is...Alex loves it!!!
If that isn't family spirit I don't know what is!!!

Monday, July 10, 2006

Gotta have the cutie pie on there too!

Well if I have Meadow on here we have to put the other cutie on here! Wylie is helping Gramma with her canning in this photo.

Corinth fourth of July parade

Here are a couple of pics from the cub scout float the boys made for the 4th of July parade. Alex and Nicolas are both in Cub Scouts now.

Friday, July 07, 2006


These pics are of Nicolas's back when he got his allergy testing done, look at all of the reactions he had. He seems to be doing great with all of his new medicine now, he hasn't had Bronchitis in almost 1 month (that is without his nebulizer too). After 16 bouts of Bronchitis this winter, I think they might have finally figured out what was wrong with him. Gotta love allergies.

Father's Day pic

Here is another just received from Gramma. This was taken on fathers day right after we got back from Cancun. Just for the record, Michael blames all of the hair on the LaFreniere genes.

Flag Day Pics

We just got these from Jane, this is from the Flag Day celebration at the school during the last week. Nicolas's pics didn't come out.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Summer Has Began!!!

Well Nicolas started summer school yesterday and really seems to like it. Now he'll be able to keep up on his school work and still get his speech therapy at the same time. Alex has been going to the playground camp everyday, today he is going on a Miniature Golf field trip. They are growing up way too fast. Mom needs to start finding a hobby for when they are gone. :)

Sunday, July 02, 2006


We went to the Northville carnival and fireworks display last night with the Youngs. It was nice, there were quite a few rides for the boys to go on. The fireworks were beautiful and VERY long. Nicolas plugged his ears the entire time but otherwise enjoyed it. :)

Friday, June 30, 2006

My little Meadow

Here are the newest pics of the boys with my niece Meadow. Look at those eyes and tell me she doesn't look like her cousins!!!

Basketball Camp

Alex took part in the Basketball Camp in town this week and I am happy to announce that he got Second place in the speed dribble competition for 3rd grade. As you can tell from his pic that he is pretty darn happy about it. Also, Dylan Balcom got 1st for speed dribble in his age group. It must be a family thing.....

A Small Setback today

Well its about 8 pm and we just got home from the hospital. After two xrays and CATscan they determined that Swifty has the start of a pneumonia in his left lung. They are going to drain the fluid that is remaining in the lung and then treat him with antibiotics. He is still fighting so everyone is still optimistic. The infection specialist from Albany really seems like a good doctor.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Good News about Swifty!

We just found out this morning that the tube they inserted into Swifty yesterday is working and the swelling is going down. If he goes down just a little bit more then they can sew him back up. He is even in less pain now and is off of some of the medication. Everything looks very optimistic at this point. Keep your fingers crossed.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Swifty Update

Michael went to the hospital for a couple of hours today because they had to operate on Swifty again. I guess they inserted a small tube into his body to suck the fluid out?! They also were able to suture some of the entrance area. The doctor did not suture it shut though because he was worried it would start causing pressure again (I guess that is why he coded twice yesterday). The swelling is starting to come down a little bit now and he has a little bit of color to his face again. Hopefully this is a good sign. I'll keep you posted.

More Cancun Pics

Hope you enjoy them!!!

Our Trip to Cancun

Michael and I went to Cancun on June 14th for our 5th anniversary with Mike and Lisa Young. We had a great time (as you will see from the pics). The hotel we stayed at was 4 1/2 stars and had everything, even a bar in the pool. Even though Montezuma's revenge is STILL in us it was well worth the kidless vacation.

Michael's Hard Week

One of Michael's best friends got into a motorcycle accident this weekend. His name is Dan Swift (Swifty) and he is only 44 years old; he and Michael have worked together for years. Swifty is still in ICU at Glens Falls Hospital in very critical condition. He has a broken hip and leg. He also injured his intestine, bladder, and one testicle (ouch). He had to be brought back to life twice yesterday but is stable for right now. I will keep everyone as up to date as possible. Michael is holding his own but still very upset. Swifty is kind of been like a mentor to him over the years.

Alex's Multiplication Contest

Alex won second place in the multiplication contest. He has been practicing all year - you have to answer as many multiplication facts as you can in one minute. He got 56 and the 1st place winner got 57. They gave him a nice trophy and a certificate. We were very proud of him.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Boys email addresses

Did you know that you can leave comments on the posts? Click on the comments icon at the bottom of the post. The boys and I will try to check them regularly. The boys also have their own email addresses now - Alex is theredsoxfan@adelphia.net and Nicolas is spidermanboy@adelphia.net.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

The boys' awards ceremonies

Alex and Nicolas had their awards ceremonies last week and I am happy to announce that they both got some. Alex received Citizen of the month and Walker of the month while Nicolas received Citizen of the month, Student of the month, and Walker of the month. There were some kids that didn't get any so I was very proud of my two.

This is Alex with Sawyer Kingsley, Anthony Villano, and Ryan Young. These four are attached at the hips. I have never seen four boys so close. Every one of them play every sport they can.

Nicolas's Kindergarten Graduation

This week Nicolas graduated from Kindergarten. No, Mom did NOT cry. Here are some pics.

This is Nicolas getting something to eat with his best friend, Michael. They are each other's shadow.

Here he is with Mrs. McMaster (Chris Kirchoff). He started crying when he found out she wasn't going on to 1st grade with him. She was wonderful with him.

As you know, Nicolas has many girlfriends BUT, this is his wife. He will do anything for little Marlee!!!

Here we Go!!!

My method to my madness is that by creating this, I will finally be able to keep everyone up to date. The boys keep us so busy nowadays that it is hard to keep up with family. So I hope you all enjoy this and I look forward to any comments.
PS- I am still new to this so be patient okay.