Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Cub Scouts is Done

Well, Friday night marked the end of another great year for cub scouts. Nicolas graduated to the wolf den and Alex graduated to Webelos II (he'll be a boy scout next year). It was a great pack meeting and very touching. I also gave a speech for Eric Butler, another den leader, who is leaving us to move up to boy scouts with his son. I made him teary-eyed. The entire committee bought him a gorgeous plaque and a gift certificate to the Waterhouse Restaurant to thank him for all of his commitment and time. We will still have a summertime activity every month as a pack but other than that we are done until September. Baseball was supposed to start this week but due to some faulty sprinkler systems the entire field is currently a big hole. We are hoping to start next week now. Once we do I will take some pics to put on. The only other big news I have is, one, after two years of struggling, Nicolas Moses can finally ride his bike without training wheels. I will get a pic of him doing it today and put it on later tonight. Second, Alex received the citizen of the month award for his class this month. Thats about it for now, have a great week.

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