Saturday, March 31, 2007

Busy Week!

Just wanted to give everyone an update, this week was crazy! Dad worked 12 hour shifts all week at the cement company while mom worked all week at the school and home. Nicolas had cub scouts and chorus while Alex had band and the big trip to Camp Ghingacook. Alex was gone Thursday and came home Friday at 7 pm. They hiked up Pilot Knob so he was pretty exhausted. Nicolas loved having mommy all to himself for two days; we had lots of fun. He had kind of a hard week at school though, very fidgety and anxious but we turned it around by Friday. His new behavior plan seems to be working; it just takes a while to see full results. We are getting ready to go clean the backyard so I will update again soon. Here is one of my favorite pics of jinx, she has it so rough! We just finally broke both the dogs of getting on the furniture because we are getting a new set.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Nicolas' big win!!!

Nicolas reminded of something today that I cannot believe I forgot to mention. At the cake bake for cub scouts we found out that Nicolas had won a BIG prize. The saratoga council has a drawing with six prizes every year for all of the scouts that fill a popcorn order form (Nicolas filled five). Our little Mo managed to get picked for the grand prize... a Mongoose electric scooter!!! It is very cool and fast (goes up to 12 mph). He was extremely excited and so were everyone else because that is the 1st time anyone from Corinth has won.

Nicolas's new wife

Here is nicolas's new wife, Jensen Kingsley. She is the little sister of Alex's friend Sawyer. These two have become very close this year, close enough where Nicolas doesn't even mention Marlee anymore. Oh yeah, this is also a good shot of Mo's new haircut. We argued all the way to the salon and finally I just gave in. It is a spiked mohawk!!! His hair grows so fast it'll be gone in a couple of weeks. Jensen loves it!!!!

The Cub Scout Cake Bake

Here is Nicolas' Big Mac cake that we made for the cake bake. It is all cake except for the lettuce (fondait), tomatoes (frosting coated sugar cookies), eyes (marshmallows and M&Ms), and sesame seeds (pine nuts). It placed 2nd in best of show and auctioned off at $45. It was one of the highest bids of the night. We ended up raising over $1000 for cub scout camp. Alex's cake didn't win anything but it did auction off for $35. It was a cub scout camp theme equipped with a blue jello pond in the middle. It only took me a little over four hours to make them both.

The Hockey Championships

Alex and Nicolas had their hockey championships this month and they both won!!! Nicolas's team won 6-1 and Alex's team won 4-2. They both are extremely happy and will definitely miss playing (until next winter). Baseball is only 2-3 weeks away though so they won't be bored for long. Here are a couple of pics - Little Mo after the game and then Alex's team doing the trophy skate. They both were #6 this year just like their dad always was.

Alex's 4th Grade Play

Here are some pics from Alex's 4th grade play. They did the Little Mermaid and it was adorable. Alex was the butler and friend of Prince Eric so he had a pretty big part. Mike and I spent many weekends helping with the scenery. Sebastion the crab is one of Alex's best friends, Sawyer Kingsley (Matt Kingsley's son).

Sunday, March 11, 2007

We are back!!!

Well I know it has been a while but I figured I better get back into this. The boys just celebrated their birthdays for the year; Alex's was today. I don't know what is worse, having to turn 30 years old in January or watching Alex turn 10. I made it through the day though. The boys are finishing up with the hockey season, both are in the championships. Nicolas's big game is this Sunday. Alex's is next Sunday. They are extremely excited and can't wait. We will be finishing hockey just in time for baseball to start. Mike has been working LONG hours at GF Cement company for the past couple of weeks. He still has a couple more to go. As for me, I am just trying to do whatever I need to everyday to keep it running smoothly for the family. It's a hard job but someone's gotta do it. I'll try to put some new photos on tomorrow. See ya later!