Monday, March 26, 2007

Nicolas's new wife

Here is nicolas's new wife, Jensen Kingsley. She is the little sister of Alex's friend Sawyer. These two have become very close this year, close enough where Nicolas doesn't even mention Marlee anymore. Oh yeah, this is also a good shot of Mo's new haircut. We argued all the way to the salon and finally I just gave in. It is a spiked mohawk!!! His hair grows so fast it'll be gone in a couple of weeks. Jensen loves it!!!!


Anonymous said...

Okay Nicolas you are the cutest little Indian I've every seen. Love the haircut.

Love - Gramma

Ang, Mike, Alex, and Nicolas said...

well mommy does have a teeny tiny bit of indian in her you know.

Anonymous said...

They look like Pocahantas and
"Mohican Mo"

Ang, Mike, Alex, and Nicolas said...

Yes they are pretty cute aren't they?!