Sunday, March 11, 2007

We are back!!!

Well I know it has been a while but I figured I better get back into this. The boys just celebrated their birthdays for the year; Alex's was today. I don't know what is worse, having to turn 30 years old in January or watching Alex turn 10. I made it through the day though. The boys are finishing up with the hockey season, both are in the championships. Nicolas's big game is this Sunday. Alex's is next Sunday. They are extremely excited and can't wait. We will be finishing hockey just in time for baseball to start. Mike has been working LONG hours at GF Cement company for the past couple of weeks. He still has a couple more to go. As for me, I am just trying to do whatever I need to everyday to keep it running smoothly for the family. It's a hard job but someone's gotta do it. I'll try to put some new photos on tomorrow. See ya later!

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