Saturday, March 31, 2007

Busy Week!

Just wanted to give everyone an update, this week was crazy! Dad worked 12 hour shifts all week at the cement company while mom worked all week at the school and home. Nicolas had cub scouts and chorus while Alex had band and the big trip to Camp Ghingacook. Alex was gone Thursday and came home Friday at 7 pm. They hiked up Pilot Knob so he was pretty exhausted. Nicolas loved having mommy all to himself for two days; we had lots of fun. He had kind of a hard week at school though, very fidgety and anxious but we turned it around by Friday. His new behavior plan seems to be working; it just takes a while to see full results. We are getting ready to go clean the backyard so I will update again soon. Here is one of my favorite pics of jinx, she has it so rough! We just finally broke both the dogs of getting on the furniture because we are getting a new set.

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