Monday, April 09, 2007

It's Vacation Time (again!!!)

Last week was a pretty good week. The boys got great report cards. Alex missed honor roll by 3 points this quarter so he was disappointed but I reminded him he has one more quarter to make it up. Nicolas' marks were very high considering the trouble he has been having regulating to his ADHD behavior program. He seems to be responding well but still has his moments (don't we all). The big hockey award assembly was Thursday and both of the boys got their medals. Mom even got a gift certificate to the Waterhouse for running the snack bar for the third year. Nicolas was very proud that his mom was the only one called up on stage. On Saturday, the first day of vacation, the boys were out rollerblading and Nicolas decided to crash face first on the sidewalk. That pretty much told me it was going to be a interesting spring break. They were happy with the easter bunny on Sunday, but even happier when mom made her spaghetti for dinner. This week they have play dates almost every day (here and there) so I am going to be doing my spring cleaning (even though there is snow on the ground). Here are some photos from this past week: the boys with their awards, little Mo's road rash, and Michael just being Michael (Alex took it). Have a great week and send us some of your own photos.

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