Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Song Birds!

Well the boys had the big choir concert tonight and they both did great! I have a couple of pics for you also. Nicolas is the only cutie pie I know that can pull off a suit with a mohawk. Alex looked like a man when he was up there. And yes, that is his bud Sawyer right next to him. I think they were the best looking boys there, but I am totally biased too. This week has been very hectic for them with Michael having his episode; they are just now getting back to normal. In case you didn't know, Michael had two severe seizures Monday night and was taken by ambulance to the hospital. He almost stopped breathing so I called 911. That iis what happens when you don't take your medicine. Anyways, he is doing fine now, still has popped blood vessels all over his face and eyes but he is good. I took a pic of him for you to see too. That is really what his eyes look like, and no, he does not have sunburn (its the popped blood vessels). The boys think he looks like the devil. He is being very serious about his condition finally and is taking his pills everyday so he won't look like this again. We'll talk to you all again soon.

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