Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Cutest Pic of the night!!!

This was just before the choir concert, I forgot to add it. It is too cute to not have on here.

The Song Birds!

Well the boys had the big choir concert tonight and they both did great! I have a couple of pics for you also. Nicolas is the only cutie pie I know that can pull off a suit with a mohawk. Alex looked like a man when he was up there. And yes, that is his bud Sawyer right next to him. I think they were the best looking boys there, but I am totally biased too. This week has been very hectic for them with Michael having his episode; they are just now getting back to normal. In case you didn't know, Michael had two severe seizures Monday night and was taken by ambulance to the hospital. He almost stopped breathing so I called 911. That iis what happens when you don't take your medicine. Anyways, he is doing fine now, still has popped blood vessels all over his face and eyes but he is good. I took a pic of him for you to see too. That is really what his eyes look like, and no, he does not have sunburn (its the popped blood vessels). The boys think he looks like the devil. He is being very serious about his condition finally and is taking his pills everyday so he won't look like this again. We'll talk to you all again soon.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Cub Scouts Bowling

Well as promised I have two pics for you from our bowling extravaganza on Saturday. This was a pack function so all of the dens attended. I have a pic of Nicolas with his den and Alex with his den. The boys had alot of fun. Alex beat his teammates in every game. Nicolas got a strike for the first time ever on his very last shot. Everyone got free pizza and soda too. Cub Scouts has been really busy so we just wanted to take a day and relax. Some of our upcoming events are: graduation ceremonial pack meeting on the 27th, Kidney Disease Walk on May 6th (if you would like to sponsor the boys, email me or call me) which sponsors all LOCAL services and programs for patients, the Memorial Day Parade (we are making a paper mache float), Cub Scout camp in July, and so on and so on. I will try to take photos at everything to keep you up to date, talk to you again soon...

Thursday, April 12, 2007

You are not going to believe this!!!!!!!

Well I finally did it. Michael volunteered to help coach Nicolas' baseball team. After watching me volunteer for everything and anything he finally felt it was time. The boys have been harping at him for a couple years now because he is so good at sports (he is such a natural athlete it literally makes you sick). The catch was though, mom had to do it too! Go figure, right? I am sure we'll have a good time, plus with Nicolas' ADHD we can keep him in control better. We are going bowling with the cub scouts on Saturday so I'll take some pics to put on the blog. See ya!

Monday, April 09, 2007

It's Vacation Time (again!!!)

Last week was a pretty good week. The boys got great report cards. Alex missed honor roll by 3 points this quarter so he was disappointed but I reminded him he has one more quarter to make it up. Nicolas' marks were very high considering the trouble he has been having regulating to his ADHD behavior program. He seems to be responding well but still has his moments (don't we all). The big hockey award assembly was Thursday and both of the boys got their medals. Mom even got a gift certificate to the Waterhouse for running the snack bar for the third year. Nicolas was very proud that his mom was the only one called up on stage. On Saturday, the first day of vacation, the boys were out rollerblading and Nicolas decided to crash face first on the sidewalk. That pretty much told me it was going to be a interesting spring break. They were happy with the easter bunny on Sunday, but even happier when mom made her spaghetti for dinner. This week they have play dates almost every day (here and there) so I am going to be doing my spring cleaning (even though there is snow on the ground). Here are some photos from this past week: the boys with their awards, little Mo's road rash, and Michael just being Michael (Alex took it). Have a great week and send us some of your own photos.